The Theory of Everything – Faith That Works 2

Faith That Works
Faith That Works
The Theory of Everything - Faith That Works 2

In this episode, the Three Failed Pastors explore how the gospel is the theory of everything

Brilliant minds such as Stephen Hawking have devoted their lives to the pursuit of the theory of everything. We contend that while not addressed to the mechanical workings of the universe, the gospel does provide the best overarching paradigm for existence.

Everybody’s Got One – Faith That Works 1

Faith That Works
Faith That Works
Everybody's Got One - Faith That Works 1

No matter what anyone says, when it comes to a set of beliefs, everybody’s got one.

Everyone interprets the world through a paradigm. Everybody’s got one. While atheists and agnostics might claim to operate solely on empirically provable data, that’s hardly the case. In this episode, we offer a metric for evaluating worldviews and demonstrate the superiority of the gospel paradigm.

Show Notes

In today’s episode, we reference a couple of scientific theories and phenonmona. Here are some links to provide context and further exploration.


Joseph Campbell

The Multiverse

Schrodinger’s Cat