Holy Vessels – The Voice of the Shepherd #5

Faith Recovery Podcast
Faith Recovery Podcast
Holy Vessels - The Voice of the Shepherd #5

The gospel teaches that believers have experienced a death and resurrection by the power of the Holy Spirit. Consequently, they are a new order of humankind remade through the indwelling Holy Spirit in the likeness of Christ, who is the exact representation of the Father. Ethically, we should express our new nature in our attitudes and actions.

The Freedom Ethic – The Voice of the Shepherd #4

Faith Recovery Podcast
Faith Recovery Podcast
The Freedom Ethic - The Voice of the Shepherd #4

If you’re free in Christ, then does that freedom look like following your desires? Or were you set free from slavery to your desires, just as you were set free from slavery to rules and regulations?

Law-free but not Lawless – The Voice of the Shepherd #3

Faith Recovery Podcast
Faith Recovery Podcast
Law-free but not Lawless - The Voice of the Shepherd #3

In our series we’re claiming that the Christian’s way of life is not determined by any written code. But does that mean we are lawless? Does it mean we have no defined ethic?

“If then…” – The Voice of the Shepherd #2

Faith Recovery Podcast
Faith Recovery Podcast
"If then..." - The Voice of the Shepherd #2

Paul told the Colossians that if they have died with Christ — and have been raised with him — then that means they should (and they can) live a new way. What’s that mean? It means the gospel provides us with an ethic. In this episode we explore what it means to live differently, not on the basis of a written code, but on the basis of a new identity.

The Voice of the Shepherd #1

Faith Recovery Podcast
Faith Recovery Podcast
The Voice of the Shepherd #1

In this series we seek to understand the gospel as the ethical standard for the Christian life. As distinct from the Bible generally, or traditional morality, can the message about Christ provide the culturally flexible, yet objectively clear pattern that we need for living a life that glorifies God?

Kingdom Come – Redefining Faith #14

Faith Recovery Podcast
Faith Recovery Podcast
Kingdom Come - Redefining Faith #14

In this episode we compare differing visions of “the end of the world.” In the biblical vision, rather than being the end of God’s creation followed by an immaterial eternity, it’s actually the beginning of a new creation where the redeemed will live (and work!) in new bodies with God in a renewed universe.

To Die is Gain – Redefining Faith #13

Faith Recovery Podcast
Faith Recovery Podcast
To Die is Gain - Redefining Faith #13

Today’s discussion ranges from demonic possession to the difference between Hades and Hell. We also explain how the gospel changes the after-life experience for those who believe.

Hell? No! – Redefining Faith #12

Faith Recovery Podcast
Faith Recovery Podcast
Hell? No! - Redefining Faith #12

In this episode we take a second look at the typical teaching that hell is eternal conscious torment and ask whether this view is actually biblical, or if in fact there is different understanding available to us — one that is both more biblical and more satisfying.

Here is the Steeple – Redefining Faith #11

Faith Recovery Podcast
Faith Recovery Podcast
Here is the Steeple - Redefining Faith #11

In this episode we redefine church, moving from a consumeristic model where we transact with the institutional church to provide us with goods and services, to a relational model, in which we worship God by mutually serving one another and doing good in the world.

Living Water – Redefining Faith #10

Faith Recovery Podcast
Faith Recovery Podcast
Living Water - Redefining Faith #10

In this episode we redefine the person and work of the Holy Spirit as the third person of the Trinity who indwells Christians to incline and empower them to become like Christ in their actions and character.