In this episode we explore how the Gospel enables us to strike a healthy balance between our culture’s dueling obsessions with pleasure, on the one hand, and fitness and heath, on the other.
In this episode we explore how the Gospel enables us to strike a healthy balance between our culture’s dueling obsessions with pleasure, on the one hand, and fitness and heath, on the other.
In today’s episode we explore what the Gospel tells us about managing money. Are we supposed to sell it all for Jesus? Are we supposed to make as much as we can for Jesus? As we face decisions to make money, save money, give it away, we can look to the Gospel story for guidance.
In today’s episode we ask what it means to train our kids “in the discipline and instruction of the Lord”. What is the nature of a child? How does raising kids with the gospel in mind change the way we parent?
In this episode we discuss how the Gospel speaks to career planning. How does the Gospel inform our decision-making about job opportunities and earning potential? Often the Gospel is seen as directing us to more seemingly spiritual careers like ministry. But are there other considerations and a bigger picture that it offers?
In this episode we contrast practicing religion with practicing the faith of Christ. Religion prescribes a set of beliefs and practices to bring us closer to God. According to that definition, is the true Christian faith a religion or not?
In this episode we explore how the Gospel informs our relationships in church when we find that we hold different political views from one another. In our culture today churches divide over political ideology, but the Gospel unites people who are different if they’ll truly follow Jesus as Lord.
In this episode we continue our discussion of marriage and explore how a Gospel ethic might apply to the challenging question of gay marriage inside the Church?
Following on the previous episode about divorce and remarriage, in this episode we begin a discussion of the nature and historical development of marriage as it relates to the questions of gay marriage and the Bible’s condemnation of homosexual practice.
Today we discuss a question about Jesus’s teachings on divorce and remarriage, as it relates to our series on living under the law-free (but not lawless) ethic of the gospel.
In this episode we examine the ethical implications of membership in the body of Christ.