Psalm 1 {Guest Post}

A new friend, Zane Gilley, who now ironically is an atheist has sent me a couple of poetic adaptations of the Psalms which it is my pleasure to post here at the savant spot.  Enjoy!

Psalm I
Blessed be the man who doeth these things three:
Walketh not in the ungodly counsel,
Standeth not in the way of sinner’s feet,
Sitteth not in the seat of the scornful.
But he places his devoted delight
In the holiest laws of Jehovah.
He, all through the day and throughout the night,
Reverently meditates on the law.
He is like a tree planted by rivers
Of the liquid life giving sustenance.
He beareth fruit in season and offers
Lasting shade for those who under him chance.
Whatever he sets forth to do prospers
Giving the life of his neighbors enhance.
With the ungodly these things are not so,
For they are likened unto the dry chaff
That the winnowing wind that God dost blow
Carries away from the godly with wrath.
Therefore these men ungodly shall not stand
During the final day of God’s judging,
Nor shall these unholy ones have a hand
In holy righteous saints’ congregating.
For the mind of Jehovah Almighty
Knoweth the blessed way of the righteous,
But the accursed way of the ungodly
Will with gnashing of teeth ever perish.



  1. Wow! This is beautful! The human heart is capable of some really wonderful things, when it is allowed to flow openly. So, even an atheist can see, admire and relay beauty and truth.

      1. You’d be surprised how much beauty we atheists do see in the world. In some ways, I’d say we see more beauty. We aren’t all shallow and vain, just as all christians aren’t deep and meaningful.

        Nathan, how did the spacing get messed up?

        1. Yeah, the percentages are probably pretty similar, truth be told. I don’t know how the spacing got messed up. When I copied the text into WordPress, it automatically did that. I’ll see what I can do to remedy the situation.

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