Everyone offers it. Few understand it. Many think they have it but know they do not. They talk of freedom but they are “free dumb.” Simply put, freedom is doing what you most want to do. Everything else is a degree of slavery. So, if I ask you, “What do you most want to do?” and you answer with anything other than what you are currently doing, then you are bound in some way. If you believe yourself to be free, then you are free dumb.
I have found that Jesus Christ alone offers true freedom. He has liberated me from regret, fear, and insecurity. He has pulled me into his loving embrace and I want nothing more. I want him like Paul did in Phil. 3:10-11. He is my great treasure and my aspiration. I have found limitless wonder, joy, and power as a willing subject in his perfect law-less reign. Sadly, those who reject him often do so because they believe he wants to hamper their “freedom.” They are free dumb.
Perhaps those who reject him think this way because of “believers” who are afraid to declare with Paul, “All things are lawful for me.” Such adherents speak judgment and rules as they drag the chains of their misguided responsibilities. All the while they are mute to the truth that sets us free. They are free dumb.
I know I didn’t reject the stories because I felt bound. Though, if I was bound, it wad by a love of truth. I do have other bindings, as do most others, even if not recognized as such. However, steps are being taken to peel them away as well.
Freedom is precious, and neither you,nor I can have enough of it. I do believe I am freer than all in the world of faith.
You speak in relative terms. I, in absolute. There is an experience of Christ which you never had in your life of faith.