Pray for a family that came by during our 10.2 Prayer meeting on Sunday. God has blessed us with the opportunity to help them get into an apartment. Pray that they can find a fruitful walk with Christ and his people.
Tammy and Uriah’s friend Kathy & Jason’s friend Daniel
Uriah and Tammy have been ministering to a friend who came here in the wake of hurricane Katrina. She is a former co-worker of Uriah’s. Kathy is in an abusive relationship. Her husband is severely demonized. He is currently in jail but could be released at any time. Join us in praying that Kathy will flee to live with one of her children out of state. Also pray that her husband might be delivered.
Jason answered a request from a friend for a ride to surgery. The surgery didn’t go through but Jason got to visit with his friend about the difficult life situation he’s currently in. Daniel is raising his son alone after his wife had a psychological break. Pray that Jason and his family can be a blessing to Daniel. Daniel is a serious Christ follower.
The Redemptive Tension of Sharing Life
I couldn’t agree more 😉
The accused Kansas killer’s neo-pagan religion
“It’s hard to get a violent god out of Jesus.”
Seed to Sow
A Field to Plant
Blessings from Above
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The 5 Harvest Needs
The Best Reason Not to Evangelize
It’s true
The Fourth “O”
Tools only work if used.